Wharton Basin

Wharton Basin Is the named part of the marine area of the north east quarter of the Indian Ocean.

It lies east of the Ninety East Ridge and west of Western Australia.

It is of interest in relation to Indian Ocean floor movement and adjacent fracture zones [1] and the relationship between the Indian and Australian plates [2] and is one a number of features of the Indian Ocean that has been studied extensively [3]


  1. ^ http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1978JGR....83..773L
  2. ^ http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/292/5519/1145
  3. ^ Schlich, R., (1982). The Indian Ocean: Aseismic ridges, spreading centers and oceanic basins. In A.E.M. Nairn and F.G. Stehli , (Eds.), The Ocean Basins and Margins, vol. 6, The Indian Ocean, Plenum, New-York.